Closing conference |
The Bodrogközi Development Partnership
/Motto of the closing ceremony/
of the past years, the founding members decided to open the Partnership gates and show other Bodrogköz settlements, how successful this democratic international Partnership worked during these 5 years. According to this, they showed the achieved results of the Partnership at 5 different conferences. These 5 conferences were held in Ladmóc, Zemplén and Szomotor in Upper Hungary, and in Tiszacsermely in Hungary; the closing ceremony took place in Alsóberecki. At these events we had many important guests, such as Dr. Mudra Rozália, director of Kassa county Municipality, Trebul’a Zdenko, president of Kassa county Municipality, Tállai András, Mayor of Mezőkövesd, and MP of the area, Hörcsik Richárd, Mayor of Sárospatak and MP of the territory. In January, the Partnership was guest of Sátoraljaújhely. The closing ceremony was visited by the director of SZAKC (union for common goals) Pogány Erzsébet from Upper Hungary, Durai Miklós, strategic vice president of MKP, and the main architecture of Borsod county Municipality, Iván Zoltán. During the events, a summary was made about the developments of the 5 years.
We have talked a lot about the town-twinning and the future possibilities in other countries, too. We were curious about the „why”-s and „how”-s, so we examined the already existing twin town relationships of the villages, and we invited Mayors from different territories who created a contact with one of the Bodrogköz settlements. We hae also talked about the EGTC, as aforce improving cooperation activities. The new members got the chance to express what their expectations are from the partnership, and how they can contribute to its success. The founding Partnership members could tell their opinion about these great five years. All developments of the Partnership are based on the past, this is why it is important to think about the quotation of Orwell written during the Habsburg reign:
From among the developments, the construction of an international road by the Partnership in Karos-Bodrogszerdahely was highlighted, as such a road existed 118 years before, ensuring the economic stability of Bodrogköz. During the day-long event the participants were surprised many times, as the new Partnership emblem and the website was introduced to them. The website was a hude success, and although it is only 90% ready, its final look can already be seen. A speciality of the closing ceremony was a 2 kg heavy, beautiful and delicious Carpathean bread made by the Tanoda Kft of Miskolc. Moreover, all new and old Partnership members got a small grape cluster gift as a memory. The highlight of the event was the giant cake that was made for the fifth birthday of the Partnership by the Kövér Cukrászda in Sárospatak and that was not only very dlicious, but also unique in its look, as it had the emblem of the Partnership and EU flags on it. We hope we will celebrate the next 5 years just like this, with more developments to come. The managing directr of the Partnership closed the events with a quotation from Kányádi Sándor, addressing not only the Partnership members, but also all Hungarians:
Kányádi Sándor: Csendes pohárköszöntő
Because until you know who and why you are And lastly, i wish